Over the past 30 years, she's dealt with Lymphedema in her legs and had no clue she was suffering from a medical condition. She said, " my legs have always been heavy and fat all my life I thought it was normal!" It was when she visited her aunt for a week in Detroit she looked at her and said " I'm concerned about your health, you don't look good to me" that started her worry. On that trip, she researched and found that she suffered from Lymphedema. She was clueless and immediately when she got home she began looking for help. She started doing body contouring on her legs for 12 weeks, eating an 800 calorie diet, drinking water, and riding her trike around her neighborhood daily. She lost 40 pounds!!! After every contouring session her legs felt light, she could walk faster and sleep better without her legs hurting at night from being tired and heavy. Body contouring REALLY helped her decrease the fat and swelling in her legs.
